At Zenari, our mission is to empower healthcare professionals to achieve optimal sleep and well-being, preventing burnout and enhancing performance in the workplace.

We provide tailored sleep solutions for doctors, nurses and other healthcare workers who struggle with sleep due to irregular shifts and high-stress environments, helping them improve their sleep quality, health, and live longer and more fulfilled lives.

We understand the unique challenges faced by those who dedicate their lives to caring for others, and we are committed to providing tailored sleep solutions that enhance recovery, reduce stress, and prevent sleep deprivation.

Through innovative products, personalised guidance, and evidence-based practices, we strive to support the health and resilience of healthcare workers, helping them wake up refreshed, recharged, and ready to continue their vital work.

We pride ourselves on delivering premium sleep services, governed by our foundational 5 step Zenari Rest Remedy System™️

  • 1 - Design an individualised sleep schedule

    As a healthcare worker, chances are you do not have the luxury of a 'traditional' sleep schedule. With our system, we work with you to develop a sleep schedule that is tailored to your working hours, ensuring consistently restorative sleep.

  • 2 - Craft a relaxing sleep environment

    Your bedroom should be your sanctuary, a place to relax an unwind after a long day in a chaotic hospital or doctors office. We help you design a bedroom so relaxing, it's impossible not to sleep well.

  • 3 - Implement personalised stress management strategies

    We understand the unique challenges faced by healthcare workers and have utilised the latest in sleep/relaxation research to design stress management strategies tailored to your individual needs.

  • 4 - Sleep supplements

    With the big rocks in place (sleep schedule, environment & stress management), supplements are the finishing touch in ensuring high quality sleep. We will work with you to identify supplements based on your individual deficiencies.

  • 5 - Ongoing sleep education

    Knowledge is power. The more you know about sleep, the better control you can have over your sleep habits. Our serices are constantly updated with the latest in sleep research. We do the boring reading, so you don't have to.

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Healthcare Workers Need To Be Taken Care of Too

Being a healthcare worker comes with a unique set of challenges, and it's only getting harder, particularly after COVID-19.

Irregular sleep schedules, difficulty sleeping during the day, poor mood and mental health, burnout, physical health issues, a non-existent work/life balance, irregular eating patterns, limited time for self care, social isolation and the list goes on...

A lot of these issues can be remedied with a solid sleep schedule and consistent, restorative rest, and that's where we come in!

Improve your sleep today

Our Mission

We created Zenari to support healthcare workers.

Right now, it's likely that you are exhausted every day, feeling depressed and anxious, experiencing lingering health issues with no time to yourself.

Our mission is to empower people like you to feel refreshed and energised, free from depression/anxiety, with the energy to pursue your hobbies and goals.

We want to restore your passion in the career you once loved.

Improve your sleep today

Our Guarantee

We are so confident in the quality of our sleep solutions, that if you don't see an improvement in the quality of your sleep after 30 days, we will provide you with a full refund. No questions asked.